Friday, November 27, 2009

Let the Training Begin (ouch!, gently)

Welcome to Nicie Runs Boston and thank you for checking in!

My hope is to provide a concise, fun log of my training journey to the Boston Marathon April 20, 2010 (wahoo!) and to share my excitement about the Boston Debate League for whom I am a charity runner. Please check out my BDL run page and donate to this really exciting cause!

My family and I returned this afternoon from a peaceful and relaxing Thanksgiving with dear friends today. What could make you feel better the day after a delicious feast than a good workout?
I headed off the gym for what is really the beginning of my marathon training.

My training was supposed to start a week ago, but what happened instead was an unplanned departure from my saddle! I was trying out a new horse and got bucked off. I landed on my left shoulder blade lower back with a pretty significant thud. No cracks and no pops: excellent! Unfortunately, I knew right away there was going to be some recovery time needed from this impact. I tried to run a local road race a couple of days later only to limp back to the parking lot five minutes after the starting gun. Since then I've been taking it easy. A little bike, a little hike. That's it.

So tonight I did 10 miles on the stationary bike, and then cautiously hopped on the treadmill. The bad news: I still can't run. The good news: I can jog slowly at a little more than half my typical training pace.

Mileage logged: 0.5 miles.
Gotta start somewhere!!

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