Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fortune's Darlings

came across this today from the Nobel Lecture of one of my heroes, the Polish poet, Wislawa Szymborska (approx. pron.: zhim-BOAR-ska -- not as hard as it looks, really), and I think it's really the best description of how I feel about my day job as well as the hard work and great joy of running.

I've mentioned inspiration. Contemporary poets answer evasively when asked what it is, and if it actually exists. It's not that they've never known the blessing of this inner impulse. It's just not easy to explain something to someone else that you don't understand yourself.

When I'm asked about this on occasion, I hedge the question too. But my answer is this: inspiration is not the exclusive privilege of poets or artists generally. There is, has been, and will always be a certain group of people whom inspiration visits. It's made up of all those who've consciously chosen their calling and do their job with love and imagination. It may include doctors, teachers, gardeners - and I could list a hundred more professions. Their work becomes one continuous adventure as long as they manage to keep discovering new challenges in it. Difficulties and setbacks never quell their curiosity. A swarm of new questions emerges from every problem they solve. Whatever inspiration is, it's born from a continuous "I don't know."

There aren't many such people. Most of the earth's inhabitants work to get by. They work because they have to. They didn't pick this or that kind of job out of passion; the circumstances of their lives did the choosing for them. Loveless work, boring work, work valued only because others haven't got even that much, however loveless and boring - this is one of the harshest human miseries. And there's no sign that coming centuries will produce any changes for the better as far as this goes.

And so, though I may deny poets their monopoly on inspiration, I still place them in a select group of Fortune's darlings.

Read the whole, wonderful speech here.

Here's one of her most famous poems full of her trademark wry humor and concision in a graceful translation. I can only imagine how elegant it must be in the original Polish.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Is there anything as peaceful as a sunset run?

Christmas greetings! I am grateful to be able to run on roads again, but most of all for the joy of being with family and friends.

We interrupt this winter training regimen . . .

to bring you an idyllic run from the City of Angels! A big shout out to Geneva Overholser, David Westphal and Geneva's colleagues at USC's Annenberg School for creating the opportunity for me and Tree Swenson to share what the Academy of American Poets is up to these days with some fellow Angeleno art lovers. I can't wait to go back and check out Heather and Alex's gallery, and catch with up friends I missed this time out.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

more fire . . .

Big week of progress for me. Yesterday I was able to run 5K on the 'mill, before the Admiral and I hosted our company Christmas party. SO MUCH FUN to be with my fellow team members + I managed not to overdo it on the delicious food and wine.

Today after riding, I still felt great and thought about the fact that Coach Rick's plan calls for a 7 miler today. I hopped on the 'mill today with a flexible but optimistic stance and was able to make it happen! I'm a bit sore now, but really ecstatic to be really running again (albeit slowly). The sheer desire to run and run well that I felt today reminds me of Toby Tanser's book about training in the Rift Valley with the elite Kenyan runners. What do they have that brings them to the doorstep of really great running? The Good Lord knows it's not money, since the vast majority of them grew up very poor. One told him, it's simple. More fire.

I am really thrilled because I don't want to be a drag on the team, and I think with further judicious training I can get back on track in the next couple of weeks. Really looking forward to some x-c skiing in ASAP, too!

Could be time for an infusion of new tunes so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

Miles logged: 7.2 (+ 3.2 yesterday)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Back on the (shortest) trails!

After some tough days last week, it became clear I was actually going to have to take Coach Marnie's sage advice to really COOL IT. My new pattern is 2 days of no exercise beyond light walking and stretching followed by a moderate effort on Day 3. This seemed to pay off today, as I felt really good this morning and managed a 1 mile jog on a wee trail in the Great Marsh of Ipswich. :) Of course, I would much rather have been logging 6 miles on the Charles with Coach Rick and my awesome teammates, but if I can keep this up I will be able to participate in at least partial workouts with them by New Year's. Wahoo!

One of the things I am hoping to do through this blog is share some of the gorgeous trails that I love so much at the special places cared for by the Trustees of Reservations. So here is a peek at what I dearly hope is the shortest one I'll run for you and for Team Debate! My videography skills are, ahem, nascent, so bear with me.

Thanks to everyone who has been putting up with me as I begin to heal from this fall. Clicking here and donating to my run is one way to show your support! THANKS!!!